
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Check out some of these poetry books as your celebrate! Animal Poems by Valerie Worth (illustrations by Steve Jenkins) Castles:  Old Stone Poems by J. Patrick Lewis and Rebecca Kai Dotlich A Poke in the I:  A Collection of Concrete Poems selected by Paul B. Janeczko and … [Read more…]


I noticed The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri as a Prime freebie on my Kindle and just started reading it on a whim. I like to have a book going on my phone for times when I don’t have an actual print book with me to read, and there are times when it’s just easier to … [Read more…]


Psalm 122 The Message (MSG)A Pilgrim Song of David122 1-2 When they said, “Let’s go to the house of God,”    my heart leaped for joy.And now we’re here, O Jerusalem,    inside Jerusalem’s walls!3-5 Jerusalem, well-built city,    built as a place for worship!The city to which the tribes ascend,    all God’s tribes go up to worship,To give thanks to the name of God—    this is what it means to … 蓝·灯下载


Wouldn’t you know it? What is surely destined to be on of my Best Books of 2024, and I can’t share a single quote from it because I listened to the audio version! From the beginning of News of the World by Paulette Jiles, I was completely mesmerized. I used to be a great reader … [Read more…]


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the choices we make as young people–kids, really–and how they affect our futures. I’ve often thought how ludicrous it is for an eighteen year old to decide on a field of study or a job that will determine the trajectory of his or her entire life. My husband … [Read more…]